Saturday, January 9, 2016


When I had my first child in 2010, I knew I couldn't be HAPPY working full time as a litigator. With my husband working long and unpredictable hours as a physician, I couldn’t see how we would manage with both of us working full time.  Since then, we’ve had 3 more babies.  I love being able to stay home with them, but it’s been difficult finding balance.  I still do a little pro bono law, which helps.  However, I’ve really missed earning my own paycheck. 
Last year, I discovered NERIUM.  I started as a customer.  Two months later, I invested in MYSELF as a Brand Partner.  It’s been AWESOME for me.  My confidence, my fulfillment in life, my balance, it’s all improved.  I’m a happier mom and a better mom because I’m building this business.  I’m having fun sharing the products and coaching others.

My JOB is pretty SIMPLE.                         
  • I use NERIUM. 
  • I share NERIUM.
  • I live HAPPY.

I was already using Nerium and loving it, so I might as well earn an income too.
I enjoy social media and talking to people, so sharing it fits easily into my daily life.

I’m always striving to be a better, happier person, so living HAPPY has really enhanced my life too.

CONTACT ME to learn more about getting started with Nerium.  I’d love to chat with you and see if our TEAM is the RIGHT FIT for you.