Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Why Nerium?

I'm a lawyer by trade, but I've only done pro bono work in recent years because I've been staying home with my three young sons (Michael - age 4, Isaac - age 3, and Liam - age 1).  This is a choice we made for our family.  Most days, I love it.  However, I really miss getting my own paycheck, I miss working with other people, and I miss the excitement of professional success.

When my sorority sister introduced me to Nerium, I never imagined selling it.  However, it worked so well on a surgical scar, that I fell in love with the product.  When I found out how financially sound the company was and that their mission is to "Make People Better", I had to get involved.  I'm so glad I did.  Being a Nerium Brand Partner means so much to me, and it's more than just sharing wonderful products that work.

You need to understand that, when I was a child, I was a nerd.  I'm still a nerd, but, as a child, being a nerd didn't feel like a good thing.  It had a lot of crud that went with it.  I thought I could handle it.  I thought I was strong enough.  When I'd see another kid getting picked on, I'd say, "Stop it!  Leave him alone."  Then, the kids would turn and pick on me more.  I did this because I knew I could take it, and I didn't know what the other kid could handle. 

In my early adult years, I learned that I really couldn't handle it.  I learned that all those years of "taking it" had done horrible things to my self-esteem and my self-worth.  I made a lot of poor decisions, especially in my relationships.  I didn't value myself.  I allowed people to hurt me because I didn't think I deserved better.

It wasn't until I met my husband, a kind and generous man, that things started to turn around.  At first, I didn't want to accept his love.  How could such a great guy love me?  Then, he told me, "I love you just the way you are.  You are the perfect person for me.  I wouldn't change anything about you."  Something clicked.  I had always lived in the "land of the ugly", watching the beautiful people, but believing I could never be a part of their world.  Now, someone wonderful loved me, and I came to realize that I did deserve his love.  I was worthy.  I was beautiful.

Now, I want to lift up others.  I want to help people see in themselves what I see in them.  I want everyone to feel beautiful.  It's not just sharing Nerium.  It's sharing a kind word, encouraging others, never walking away from an opportunity to show someone how much they mean in this world. 

Every person is beautiful.  I want to help you become your most beautiful you, inside and out.   

Beautiful Day. Beautiful You.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Are you ready to change you life?
With proper exercise and nutrition, I was able to transform my body in just 18 months.  Now, with the help of Nerium, this mother of three is tightening, toning, and improving the overall appearance of my skin.

As a Nerium Brand Partner, I'm able to share these wonderful products with you.
I'd love to talk to you more about the benefits of using Nerium and how it could change your life too.  Contact me for more information and have a beautiful day!


My E-mail:  neriumbeautifulu@hotmail.com


Sunday, February 8, 2015

What a difference a year makes!

On my 33rd birthday, I took a look at my face and thought, “Gosh, I look like I’ve aged ten years in the last three years.”  I had three babies in three years, and the lack of sleep was showing all over my face.  Forehead wrinkles, dark under eye circles, and deep smile lines had set in on a once tight and glowing face.  I wondered, “If I look like this now, what is 40 going to look like?”  I went out and bought a ton of cosmetics.  I tried the Mary Kay Timewise, Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair, Origins Anti-aging Serum, and Olay Regenerist Microdermabrashion treatment.  After spending 100s of dollars and seeing no results, I went for a Botox consultation.  When I was told the discounted price for a first time customer, I was blown away at how expensive it was!  How much money was I going to have to spend to see some real results? 

Almost a year later, I saw some posts on Facebook from a friend (April) selling Nerium.  I had heard of it before but thought it was probably too expensive.  I didn’t believe in “miracle” creams anyway.  Well, I kept seeing her posts and her personal “before and after” pictures.  So, I messaged her.  She told me there was a 30-day money back guarantee, so I had nothing to lose.  I tried it.  I loved it!  My face was tighter, my glow was returning.  I was getting compliments on my face without any makeup on.  People were asking me, what are you doing?  What are you using?  Strangers were guessing I was 25, 23, and 21 years old!!!!  My self-confidence was rising, but I still hadn’t thought about selling Nerium.

On January 8th, I had surgery to repair my broken nose.  A week after the surgery, I started putting Nerium on the scar because April said, “It’s not made for scars, but it has helped some scars.”  Within a week, I could hardly see the scar!!!!  Within two weeks, I had people asking, “What scar?”  Now, I’m sold!  Now, I could see that Nerium could benefit people in so many ways that I have to share it.  I did my research on the company and found that it was a legitimate, financially strong (to say the least), and led by sincere, hard-working executives.  After discussing it will my husband (who happens to be a very smart investor), I was all in.  I became a Nerium International Independent Brand Partner.


I’m all in.  I’m helping people by sharing Nerium with them.  I’m confident that this company is a smart investment.  I’m feeling beautiful! 

When I looked at my (now 34 years old) face today, wearing no makeup, I thought, “Wow, I can’t believe the change.”  Are you ready to change your life?  With Nerium, you can.